Our Projects
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awesome work from the guys
- Donald Trump“We had a small plumbing leak and he was on time (far earlier than the end of his scheduled window), courteous and very professional, and saved us money!”
Totally worth it!
- Johnatan & Erica“We had a small plumbing leak and he was on time (far earlier than the end of his scheduled window), courteous, professional, and saved us money!”
Very great service & Care!
- Garett Meos“We had a small plumbing leak and he was on time (far earlier than the end of his scheduled window), courteous and very professional, and saved us money!”
Very great service & Care!
- Garett Meos“I was very happy with the work done. He’s a super great guy. He went the extra mile and I couldn’t be happier. “
A PHD Dedetizadora
Somos da PHD Dedetizadora, abaixo vou falar um pouquinho de nossa empresa e dar algumas dicas de como contratar uma dedetizadora. Somos especializados em controle de pragas urbanas (baratas, formigas, escorpiões, aranhas, mosquitos, traças, ratos, etc. A PHD Dedetizadora oferece bem-estar com a eliminação de pragas, através de um diagnóstico detalhado do ambiente, com planejamento.